Tummy Tuck Surgery Performed for Women in Sarasota, FL, at Sovereign Plastic Surgery

Tummy Tuck Sarasota FLA tummy tuck is a surgical procedure designed to smooth and firm the abdominal region. Dr. Alissa M. Shulman, a board-certified plastic surgeon at Sovereign Plastic Surgery, performs this and other cosmetic procedures for men and women in Sarasota, FL. Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is not a weight loss method, nor is it a substitute for healthy eating or regular physical activity. However, undergoing this type of surgery can be an effective way to reshape and tone the midsection if sincere attempts at diet and exercise do not produce the results one is looking for.

Dr. Shulman is sometimes asked if liposuction, a less invasive procedure than a tummy tuck, could produce a similar outcome. For some patients, liposuction can be effective for removing isolated pockets of fatty tissue that have settled around the abdomen. However, because liposuction requires a certain amount of skin tightness and elasticity to be successful, it may not be the best option for treating the abdominal area, where the skin and muscles are often affected by:

  • Weight fluctuations
  • Pregnancy
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Extreme weight loss

If abdominal fat is reduced with liposuction, but her loose belly skin is not addressed, the skin will not “snap back” properly after surgery. Instead, it will simply hang from the newly contoured abdomen. Therefore, if someone has both excess fatty tissue and loose skin in their midsection, a tummy tuck  may be a better option – it is a more comprehensive solution that can not only remove excess fatty tissue, but also tighten lax muscles and eliminate loose skin. Regardless of whether a patient elects to undergo a tummy tuck or liposuction, though, Dr. Shulman cautions that a patient must be committed to maintaining the results of surgery with a nutritious diet and regular exercise.

Each tummy tuck patient is unique in many ways, including their concerns and goals, as well as the amount of fatty tissue and skin elasticity in the midsection. Therefore, before pursuing surgery, it’s important to consult with an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon like Dr. Shulman. As a doctor who completely understands patient concerns, Dr. Shulman offers individualized advice and guidance in her warm and welcoming office in Sarasota. She helps each patient make well-informed treatment decisions and, if a patient opts for an abdominoplasty, ensures that the patient is healthy enough to undergo surgery.

To learn more about tummy tuck surgery, call Sovereign Plastic Surgery to schedule a personal consultation with Dr. Shulman at her office in Sarasota, FL.